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Uncle Keese Barbershop

14723 Plymouth Road


After School Mentoring Program for Young Males - To help combat the reduced presence of father figures within the Community.

Organize Community Events with Sponsorship Program - A key part is just organization to help the Community stay informed and easily be able to support each other.

Gathering Spaces & Socialization - Discussed at time of posting. Barbershops and Hair salons used to be a place where people would come to be part of the Community even more than just getting their hair serviced. Our TILL Showcase can help foster discussions as we target Hair Salons, Barbershops, and other discussion spots to help talk about JUSTICE.

Educational Activities on Financial Resources - “Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track.” ― Natasha Munson (If you look inside her book on Amazon, there’s a great planning exercise in “THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND YOU DETERMINE THE OUTCOME”).

Engagement Event

Attended by Morgan M, Dre, Rozalyn, Marquid, and “A Cass Technical High School Student”

Coordination of Resources and Support - Part of the problem isn’t as much the lack of opportunities/support, but a lack of awareness and trust in what is being offered. 313 Table can also help to coordinate those resources with outward facing Community features such as an events calendar. It was also suggested to provide a way for people to support Community projects. As a private foundation, 313 Table can provide opportunities to support projects from within our Community, such as a directory and funding platform.

Financial Empowerment - Education on how we can each be more financially empowered, like learning of the importance of interest rates and investment/savings strategies.

One part of financial empowerment is being able to take initiative of one’s own enrichment. 313 Table hopes to encourage this through our open and transparent launch process. We just added a project page on Banking Options for anyone seeking to explore the various digital banking sites and resources available online.

Building Trust - Trust is a big factor in what keeps the Community from not only coming together to seize opportunities, but to even take the offer of support from outsiders. This is also a reason for our open and transparent launch process.

“A Cass Technical High School Student” was asked to provide 3 things that she wanted for her Community her responses were, Stability of the law

  1. Stability of the law - If it is against the law to run a red light, why are so many people seen doing it. The laws should be able to better match the behavior in Community or the Community should better follow the law.

  2. Take Better care of our own Community - More people from within the Community showing that they care about their neighborhoods, i.e. more Community Clean-ups and involvement

  3. Safer Places - This goes back to stability of the law, but gun violence and fights in our public spaces prevents us from being able to safely enjoy them

Her responses got us into a discussion on the trends that cause a lack of stability, like the possible correlation between mental health and the abundance of liquor stores. Something like that can be restricted with proper zoning regulations, but that once again requires organized Community coordination such as block clubs. Panhandling was also mentioned as something that makes our public spaces less safe as they can result in fights.

When asked about the involvement of police in helping to provide safety and stability of the law, their response was that “We have a good relationship with the police as they respond swiftly to calls with 2 stations nearby”, maybe gestures of respect like quick response times can help the police restore their relationships in other areas.

Empowerment Program - When asked how 313 Table can help rebuild trust as we launch, it was suggested that projects that our Youth create and are supported to lead would be the best to rally around. 313 Table has actually already been led through Reinstatement Protocol to create the base for a Youth-based platform, called Kingdom Society. This would have components of mentorship as adults would be involved to help advise, but it would still be the Youth’s projects to create and lead.

313 Business Alliance - A Business Alliance would give us the opportunity to support the local organizations that are committed to supporting the development and empowerment of Inner City Detroit. Part of this would include a tithing commitment to recycle funds back into the Community. It could also be part of a self regulation initiative to make our places of business safer with a unified timeout list for safety violations.

After the event, one of the participants continued the discussion and talked about the need for protecting our Senior Citizens. A Companionship program was suggested for us to be able to first focus on developing relationships with those that do not have active connections to look out for their well-being. It was agreed that this program development should come after engagement events directly at Senior Care facilities, where 313 Table representatives can help the Seniors write their wishes.

Lastly, the member shared difficulty in passing a test for a professional license. 313 Table could help in developing a License Test Support program where members can study together and support each other.

See this gallery in the original post