Develop With Us

Development Benefits


Dedicated Workspace

Projects in development need their own space to prepare plans and materials. Each project comes with a dedicated workspace that can either be listed publicly or privately.

Listing Access

Each project has its own page to engage with the community and share their project’s progress along with support listing access to share any project needs.

Development Tools

We seek to give every project access to the tools needed to succeed, starting with 313 Table Google Workspace access and a dedicated email address, and will build as we grow.

Table Specialist Support

Table Specialists are project helpers ready to talk to you about your project’s progress and provide support from page updates to Table referrals. Available as text support or monthly digital meetings.

 Share a Project, Join a Project

Whether you have a project idea in mind or just want to help others achieve their visions, join our Developer’s Huddle to engage and work on bettering Inner City Detroit together. 313 Table is dedicated to helping each other move projects forward to best be of benefit to the Community. This includes our 10% Community Commitment.